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STUDY TIPS FOR EXAM CANDIDATES - Akafatsa - Home for Education

Oct 01, 2024 / By ANDERSON KAFATSA / in Past Papers Assessments and Exams

11 Essential Study & Exam Tips for Every Student (Including Bonus Tip)

No one is born intelligent. It is the education, study and hard work that makes us smart and exams are just an opportunity to prove our intelligence and show our hard study to others!

While plenty of great study tips and examination tips are available on the web, we want to introduce to you some of the study and exam tips and tactics and exclusive tricks that work best for our students and that help our students get the best of their studies:

#1 Keep Your Smartphone Shut

Keep%20Your%20Smartphone%20Shut%20-%20Study%20And%20Exam%20Tips%20-%20Lincoln%20American%20University.pngA smartphone is as dangerous as powerful it is. When it comes to distractions, nothing compares to a smartphone. Our WhatsApp keep buzzing, then we have Facebook notifications too, and still, we need to check who liked our Instagram photo and retweeted our tweet! We spend hours on the phone without even realizing it, and we all have been there. Let’s not do that in exam time!

When preparing for exams or just studying in normal routine, turn your phone off or just put it on silent or Do-Not-Disturb mode. It can save you hours. More importantly, it can increase your focus and you’ll be able to utilize your study time in more efficient ways.


#2 Solve Past Exam Papers and Mock Tests

By solving previous year questions and taking mock tests, you can make yourself familiar with the exam patters and check how well prepared you are.

Try to take previous exams, set the timer and feel like you’re writing your paper at the examination center. This practice goes a long way. It also helps you check if you can finish your exam within the allotted time.


#3 Keep Water Bottle Handy
Exam stress is common! We all face it. Those who say that they don’t are either lying or don’t care about their career. Well, if you care about your career (You do! That’s why you are reading this!) and feel stressed during exams, that’s perfectly normal. 



Feel relax, keep a water bottle with you and drink water at regular intervals. It will keep your mind and body in a relaxed yet active mode.


#4 Take Proper Sleep

When it comes to exam preparation, the first thing you tend to do is cut the sleep time. Just don’t do that. By reducing those two hours from your sleep, you’re cutting down your productivity. 

Studying 12 hours a day with more output is better than studying 14 hours a day with less output. We are not participating in a race for how much hours we can study, but we are trying to study smart, get our syllabus done and score well!

If you sleep for proper hours (generally 7-8 hours of sleep is what normal people need), your mind will be more active during the hours you are awake. 


#5 Eat Healthy Food

Food plays a significant role in our health and how active we feel. When it comes to medical exams, we just can’t take any risk. So, what’s the heck? Well, the heck is simple. Eat healthy. Avoid fast and junk food!

We know you can eat fast food at a fast pace and that can save you some minutes for your study, but that’s not smart. Fast food makes you feel sleepy. Do you want to feel sleepy while studying for exams? A BIG NO! 
So, eat only good food! After exams, you will have enough time to have your favorite cuisines!


#6 Do Exercise


On exam day, you’re just short on time. We understand that! But on other days, you can save time for exercise. What about a simple morning walk? 

Exercise is great, not just for your physique but for your intellect as well. Exercise boosts your energy levels, increase your memory power, and prepares you for the rest of the day. Giving time to exercise is not an expenditure, but an investment for better health and better education.

Do exercise daily. Once you start doing it, you’ll thank yourself and will find studying much more comfortable.

#7 Take Short Breaks

Our mind has endless possibilities, but it has its capacity too! When we study for long hours, our brain gets exhausted and needs a break. If we keep studying without a break, it slows down
So, don’t study for too long. Take frequent short breaks and infrequent long breaks to keep your mind in a good mood and so your study.

While there is no hard and fast rule to take a break, but we suggest small breaks between every 60-90 minutes of study time. It will keep you energized and focused on your work.

#8 Get Tea or Coffee Help


Probably, you know that tip already but it’s worth mentioning. Tea or coffee can stimulate our mind instantly and boost our brain memory levels for better learning. This doesn’t mean that you keep on drinking coffee or tea; in a day, three or four cups of standard size are acceptable. 

Next time when you are on the study tour and feeling sleepy or low, get yourself a cup of tea or coffee. While it will not make you intelligent, it will help you be active, study better, become intelligent the right way and ultimately perform better in your exams.

#9 Maintain A Schedule



Have you heard of “Power of Habits”? There is not much difference between schedule and habits. If you fix certain hours of the day (or night), your mind will be “readily ready” for study during those hours. 

Carefully plan your study hours during the time when you feel most active. Some of us are early birds while others are night owls. So, it’s a good idea to experiment with different schedules and finally stick to a plan that works best for you. 

Some of us are early birds while others are night owls. So, it’s a good idea to experiment with different schedules and finally stick to a plan that works best for you.


#10 Must Remember This One Thing!

Big dreams need big efforts, and there is no shortcut to study. At Times, study can be hard. When having tough times with your study or when exams got too hard on you, it is usual to get frustrated and forget the very purpose and goal for which you are studying what you’re studying. 

Always remember your end goal and when it comes to remembering goals, we can’t forget the power of written goals. Research suggests that written goals have a visual impact on our brains, and it increases the probability of their achievements by 42%. So, always write down your goals. Like, if you want to become a doctor, writer it on a paper, stick it to a place where you can see it on a daily basis and let your goal enter into your subconscious mind!

Research suggests that written goals have a visual impact on our brains, and it increases the probability of their achievements by 42%.

Do write your goal on a paper and stick it in all your study places and you have 42% more chances to get it realized. It appears to be a small thing, but it’s a thing with a big impact. 


#11 Have A Flexible Plan 

Failing to plan is planning to fail! How many times we all have heard this phrase and still most of the time we forget to implement it in our real lives. If you want to finish your syllabus well before exams and save for revisions as well, you need to have a plan and it must be in writing. 

Further, there will be times when you will not be able to get a thing done that is there in the plan. That’s where the room for flexibility comes in. Make your plan flexible enough to make up for the lost time or something additional in the syllabus. 


Bonus Tip: Eat the Frog

Don’t worry! We’re not asking you to eat the actual frog! Here is what we actually mean by “Eat the Frog:”

Frog here means the toughest task on your To-Do list or a task that you are not interested in doing and most likely to procrastinate. We all face a subject that we hate, and we wish we could avoid that from the syllabus. That hated subject is your frog. If you finish a bit of that subject first every day, you’ll feel comfortable for the rest of the day.

The lesson: Eat your frog first thing in the morning!

Eat a frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. – Mark Twain


On that note, here is the study tips info-graphic for you to sum up the entire tips, tricks and tactics for smart study and exams that we just discussed:
Feel free to download the infographic and keep it with you for regular inspiration. We wish you all the best for your exams. Study well, eat well, take proper sleep, write your exams with peace of mind and you’ll get through with flying marks! 


Best of Luck!